I finally got the call with my lab results. "Normal male pregnancy". Hmmm. I thought there were 3? Initially when this whole situation was at it's high point I was okay because there wasn't a heartbeat or fetal pole to see and fall in love with. That call made it real, knowing that we lost a baby boy. When I read on message boards that people lost babies as early as I did and they name them a boy or girl name, I often wonder if it's just them naming them to help themselves cope. Now I know that they probably knew with testing just as I know now. Do I name him? Do I name him and not tell my husband? I have a hard time keeping secrets from him, how would I keep a name from him. What are his feelings? Does he feel we should put a name to the baby? So many questions that one part of me says it's just silly ramblings, the other says that it's a mark in my past and I need to name him.
Okay, this totally disproves the comment from Pro-abortionists saying that it's not a baby until it's delivered. The ultrasound technician, doctors, or Hubby and I couldn't even see anything on the screen but yet the lab tests tell us the baby was a boy. A BOY! That is a baby. It starts when the egg and sperm meet.
thinking of you much! i'll see you on the 8th and we'll exchange a hug!
Oh how sad. It sucks so much that medicine isn't an exact science. You are all in my prayers!
This makes me so sad. My mom lost a baby boy in between having my sister and myself. She didn't name it but over time came to a place where she now says that the baby's soul learned what it needed those precious months inside of her and feels blessed for that. I often think being a parent is more about aiding the journey of a little soul placed in your care by God. Using this definition you were a parent to this child during the time it needed to learn its lesson. It is not something lost but rather something gained. That little soul has also given you a lesson on your journey. You and your family are in my prayers and thoughts this evening.
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