Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Baby" update...

Today was the follow-up ultrasound. The sacs were still empty and didn't grow. I'm scheduled for a D&C next Wednesday. I'm just very sad. Thanks to everyone for all of your support and prayers. They have been a big help over this 2 week journey.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Baby update #1

Today was the ultrasound with the high risk OB. They did find one more, making that 6, however they are only focusing on 3. They believe the others to be blood clots, cysts, or pregnancy tumors? The 3 larger ones are measuring +/- 6 weeks (where as I figure I am 8w5d). How can I be almost 3 weeks different? Anyway, I go back on the 25th for another ultrasound. If there is no fetal pole or heartbeat by that time then a D&C will be the next step. They want to do a D&C because there is too much going on in my uterus to feel comfortable about me going naturally.

So now, I guess I just sit back and wait...

ETA - I did call my regular OB to get my blood results. My beta levels are high, 45,000, showing that I am pregnant. She said that it is high enough to be thinking multiple babies too...I just got used to the fact that I was going to lose a baby, now I have to get used to the fact that my numbers are good and there might be triplets?! Someone up there likes to make my life a little challenging?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Loss for words and emotions

Well, today was ultrasound day and things didn't turn out quite the way we expected. My appointment was at 10 am. As I wait for 20 minutes with that paper sheet over my legs, Hubby and I are talking baby stuff. The Dr comes in and the ultrasound starts. For those of you who haven't experienced this first ultrasound, it's not the one that they show on T.V. with the jelly in your belly... this one's internal, basically a joystick in your hoo-ha... not comfortable. Anyway, the Dr proceeds to twist and turn the wand and had a quizzical look on her face. She then tells us that she sees 3 sacs but no embryos. She asked that we come back in the afternoon to see the u/s tech for a more defined look. That appointment was scheduled for 1:40 pm.

I told Hubby I wasn't ready to go back to work, which was just around the corner. After a quick bite to eat, I dropped him off (we work at the same office) and he informed my boss and his boss of the situation. I then called a girlfriend of mine who had a similar situation a couple years ago. Thankfully she was home and able to talk to me. She was a big help to all of my wandering emotions. She listened to my questions, answered me truthfully and with great information. Thanks Kim for all your help!

I then called Hubby and he had me pick him up. We drove around almost mindlessly running some errands wondering what's going to happen next.

Now it's time for the u/s tech to see what's going on. "Hmm" she says, "I haven't seen anything like this in my 22 years. Were you on fertility treatments?"

"No..." I said. "Dr. saw 3 sacs, do you see more?"

"Yes. But I'm not sure if they are sacs or cysts."

"But you still don't see a heartbeat?"


Dr's consult... "Um, we're not sure what to do. We see 5 sacs or cysts, none of them viable from what we can tell. I would like to send you a high risk OB to get a second opinion."

"O.K." I mean, what else can I say?

So at this point, I'm waiting till Monday to see what the heck is going on in there. Luckily my ovaries look good...

I'll keep you posted...

Friday, September 5, 2008

"Yeah!" and "Boo!"

All right, I can't take it anymore.... I'm pregnant!! Yeah!! The "Boo!" part, morning sickness has kicked in with vengeance! I was SO hoping that it wasn't going to be as bad as it was last time but it looks like it's going to be just as bad... UGH! The part that's harder is now I have a toddler that I have to take care of in the morning when Hubby is out of town. Luckily this morning was one of her best mornings. I am only 7 weeks along and will get my first ultrasound next Thursday. I haven't been able to fit in my regular pants since 5 weeks. Last time I was able to go the whole 12 weeks before announcing and wearing maternity clothes.

Hopefully my grandparents don't find out before they come and visit at the end of the month. My parents have agreed not to say anything but there's always room for a slip-up.

I'll post a picture of the little bean next week. Keep your fingers crossed that there is only one! :) (My MIL said that I couldn't fit into my clothes already because I was preggo with twins. Apparently they run in her family. :-s )

I started taking my Lovenox shots once I got the positive pregnancy test. I hate shots, however, I'm getting used to them. The medication burns and I have many small bruises all over my stomach. No bare belly shots for me! This is preventative for my blood clotting in hopes that my pregnancy will go full-term this time with no pre-eclampsia. Also, I continue to take the baby aspirin and Rx folic acid.

My due date is April 22nd but we are hoping for the 17th as that is my birthday, plus Little girl was born on the 17th of another month as well as my MIL is the 17th of another month. Hubby only has to remember months, no dates! :)